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Robyn Patton
Apr 4, 2024
Be as unapologetic as a man buying a Vespa
Why do women chronically apologise? Why do we minimise ourselves and put ourselves down when needing an explanation or assistance?

Robyn Patton
Mar 23, 2024
Doing a TEDx talk was the hardest and most rewarding thing I've done professionally
As I approached the TEDx Cecil St stage last Saturday March 16th, I took a little bounce up onto it, feeling light and READY. All...

Robyn Patton
Feb 20, 2024
Menopause level unlocked
This morning I had a nudge to look at the Clue app (where I was tracking my cycle) to see when my last period was. It's been ages since...

Robyn Patton
Jan 31, 2024
You are Kenough
Did you see Ken's 'I am Kenough' hoodie in last year's Barbie movie? Along with nearly screaming, it made my heart warm. Yes, yes you are...

Robyn Patton
Jan 21, 2024
Becoming a midlife diet culture dropout
When I first learned the 'value' of a tablespoon of peanut butter, which was - still is! - one of my favourite foods, it was no longer a...

Robyn Patton
Dec 13, 2023
People Pleasing in Midlife
The conversations I've been having lately - not surprising considering the time of year - are with women who want to dial down their...

Robyn Patton
Jun 29, 2023
Midlife Rebel is one year old!
Last year was a big one for me. I got married and managed the planning, celebrations and adjustment that comes with that. Oof big job,...

Robyn Patton
Jun 7, 2023
Knowing when it's time to do your Work
I've been in private practice as a Life Coach for a while now. Yet a part of me is still in awe when a new client and I start working...

Robyn Patton
Jun 7, 2023
Do The **** Work
One of the most powerful coaching experiences I've had as a client was when the Coach pointed her finger straight in my face and said ...

Robyn Patton
May 30, 2023
Midlife can pack a punch, but does it need to be hard?
The day I knew my marriage was over, the moment it landed in my body as truth, I cried hard. ‘I’m so scared, I’m so scared’ I said over...

Robyn Patton
Feb 15, 2023
Becoming a Midlife Rebel while you’re dying
This morning I had the enormous privilege of interviewing my friend Ellen Sawkins. She and I first met years ago while attending the same...

Robyn Patton
Feb 9, 2023
Fly Your Flag, Midlife Rebel
I’m not sure when I went from being the odd one out in the family (the ‘black sheep’) to the ‘conventional’ one. But let’s just say over...

Robyn Patton
Dec 19, 2022
I feel most alone around other women
The one time I feel most alone and insecure is around groups of women. Feeling like an outsider in mum’s groups, at the gym and in new...

Robyn Patton
Nov 22, 2022
Feeling lost? You need a big dose of Compassionate Curiosity
So life, huh, Midlife Rebel. Not always 🌈 and 🦄 dammit. Take your pick from the shopping list below and tell me which one ISN’T making...

Robyn Patton
Nov 17, 2022
How Midlife Rebel was born
It feels like Midlife Rebel has been in my life for much longer than this year, and in many ways it has. But the name! It’s new…and came...

Robyn Patton
Oct 31, 2022
Who is a Midlife Rebel?
A Midlife Rebel lives unapologetically. She puts herself first and lives from a place of overflow so she can show up powerfully loving...

Robyn Patton
Oct 30, 2022
What is coaching really like? (Samara H)
What is coaching really like? Listen in as Samara describes how she was feeling a bit stuck in a couple of different areas of her life...

Robyn Patton
Oct 30, 2022
What is coaching really like? (Nicole D)
What is coaching really like? Listen in as Nicole chats about not just the benefits but also the challenges she’s found with coaching....

Robyn Patton
Oct 30, 2022
What is coaching really like? (Jess B)
What is coaching really like? Listen in as Jess chats about why she decided to work with a coach after having worked with a psychologist....

Robyn Patton
Aug 14, 2022
The Midlife Rebel
Midlife rebel. Who, me? And probably you too if you’re ready to shake things up and do things differently👋 Being a rebel in our teens...

Robyn Patton
Mar 9, 2021
How I manage life as a highly sensitive empath
As an extremely sensitive child, I’d hide under tables at parties and cry at the slightest upset. It wasn’t until later when studying...
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