It’s your time Midlife Rebel!
Do you feel stuck?
Does something inside you say ‘I want more’?
Do you want more clarity around what that looks like?
Sick of people pleasing and feeling exhausted?
Staying in a relationship or job because that’s what you ‘should’ do? Because it’s what’s expected, it’s safe, it’s easy and keeps the peace?
Deep down do you know that it’s not what you want, but the thought of making changes feels too risky…is it worth it?
Are you starting to bristle every time you find yourself doing anything because you ‘should’?

Midlife can be a time of uncomfortable questions…but also opportunities.
The kids are getting older, you have a bit more time. Life is shifting, what’s important is changing.
You have the chance to re-discover yourself, and what’s important to you. But why do it alone?
I am here to support and guide you through this transition that is midlife.
You’ve done the hard yards…
Had the marriage (or not)
Raised the kids (maybe)
Created your career
Navigated relationships the best way you can
You have done the work… and let’s be honest… it was WORK!
But now it is time to find yourself again.
The possibility of LOSING yourself along the way is HIGH, and just because it is normal doesn’t mean it has to continue this way.
You can find the version of you that you want to become and create from your true essence, desires, and visions.
Your version of the Midlife Rebel!
The first step is easy…

Do you feel lost?
You might wake up one day and feel lost or the feeling might creep up on you over time. You may feel you are pulled in ways that stretch you too far… In turn feeling resentful, exhausted and overwhelmed.
Things aren’t how you hoped or expected them to be.
Somewhere along the way you’ve drifted - the kids, the relationship, the job - have all been more important than you.
Here’s the thing…
You’ve read the books, listen to the podcasts...
Binged on Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, and...
Maybe you can even touch your toes in yoga class!
But if you want a real lasting transformation…something needs to change. You are going to have to claim yourself in new ways…and bridge that gap between who you think you are and who you are ready to BE.
It may sound tough, difficult, and daunting.
That you will have to strive.. and work hard…again!
I say NO!
You can do this with your
beautiful, soft, powerful, feminine energy.
Maybe you feel this energy was lost a long time ago…
But it is in you! You never lose it.

You have the freedom now to dive deep into…
Who am I? What do I want? Where do I want my life to go?
This time you have now is precious. It is a real opportunity!
A new space where YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT!
It also means you can step into a new version of yourself…Not bringing the people pleaser, good girl, don’t rock the boat, say yes to everything version of you into your future...
What would it be like for you to be able to….
Say no and FEEL AMAZING!
Know, speak, and create your desires without shame
Take actions that align with the new you and future you are creating with confidence
You can feel the power and freedom in this yes?

Welcome to Midlife Rebel.
In this coaching and support program, we are going to reprogram (upgrade) you!
You will change from the inside out...
You will become the creator of your authentic hell yeah life.
The only thing that is in your way is YOU!
There are simple, beautiful steps you can take that will allow you to…
Prioritise yourself and your needs
Gain more clarity by having a clear sense of yourself and what you want
Learn how to live from an overflowing cup
Have the power to say your true no and yes
Connect to your inner wisdom and intuition - find your voice!
Stop "people-pleasing"
Learn to hear and trust your inner rebel
Is reclaiming your inner rebel worth it?
And, we need to learn to hear her and trust her.
You have to battle all the internal programming that has had you show up the way you have so far.
All the patterns,
Internal stories
And BS (belief systems!)

What we have to face is that these beliefs have kept us small, trapped, and scared.
But they also protect us, keep us safe, and make us feel that we can get love.
This is the challenge with changing... and why fear comes up.
Conforming to what others want seems like the best route to live a life that works. But as we find out, this is not the case.
Though counterintuitive, what has us actually living a life that works is to LIVE ON OUR OWN TERMS!
But how? Good question!
To have success in changing your behaviour and up-levelling your life you need SUPPORT!
Just like every other successful, lit-up, and evolved person, you need a support team!
You are usually the support team for others, yes?
You see how well it works for them, yes?
Now it is your turn.
Grab a fantastic, powerful, and knowledgeable guide (ME!)
Become a Midlife Rebel!
Ready to explore who you are and what’s important to you?
Curious about what’s holding you back and the subtle power of intention, language, conditioning and expectation?
This will be like nothing you have experienced before.
Coaching with me is highly personalised and tailored for the one-off rebel you are. No out-of-the-box program.
I am passioinate about real connection to create an experience that is uniquely yours.
I will show you how to reclaim your inner rebel so you can live an authentic hell yeah life!
Coaching Session
From $165| 60 MINUTES
Start Here! Book a single coaching session
Perfect if you're new to coaching or unsure where to start
More affordable coaching option
Enjoy the flexibility of booking a session when you need it.
Compassion Rate available: self-nominated and requires no proof or explanation.
Available via Zoom, phone or in person (Gisborne, Victoria, Australia)
'Ready Your Rebel'
3 Month Coaching Program
$1997 AUD | 3 MONTHS
A 30-minute no-obligation phone call to explore working together
Two 90-minute 1:1 Coaching sessions per month (total 6 sessions)
Coaching plus transformational teachings you can apply to your life immediately
Text and email support in between sessions
Guided support to identify what's getting in your way - people pleasing, overthinking, communication, relationships, body image, stress management and more.
Strategies, support, reframing, tools, accountability, problem-solving and a place to explore and be curious.
Payment Plan available
'Activate Your Rebel'
6 Month Coaching Program
$2997 AUD | 6 MONTHS
30-minute no-obligation phone call to explore working together
Two 90-minute 1:1 Coaching sessions per month (total 12 sessions)
Coaching plus transformational teachings you can apply to your life immediately
Text and email support in between sessions.
Guided support to identify what's getting in your way - people pleasing, overthinking, communication, relationships, body image, stress management and more.
Strategies, support, reframing, tools, accountability, problem-solving and a place to explore and be curious.
In this 6 Month coaching container, we move beyond 'head' level understanding and fully embrace EMBODIMENT of new ways of thinking and being in the world.
Guided and supported every step of the way - this Program creates change!
Payment Plan available

Additional Information:
Payment Plans available on application
All pricing is in AUD dollars.
Questions? GET IN TOUCH
Unsure where to start? Book a Single Session.
I work with people around the world via Zoom & Phone.
*In-person coaching sessions are available in Gisborne, Victoria, Australia, a 45-minute drive from Melbourne.