A 1-Day Retreat to Activate Your Midlife Rebel
As modern midlife women, we’re expected to have it all together, to know what we want and to be well and truly on the way to making it happen.
Yet for some of us, tapping into that inner guidance and knowing what we desire in life isn’t that straight forward.
For some of us, our intuition seems to be shaky at best, silent at worst.
For some of us, slowing down enough and turning inwards to remember our purpose, our drive and our power is such a foreign concept it’s almost scary.
And for some of us, the negative voices in our minds keep us playing small, living up to roles that are narrow, tight and inauthentic.

Have you been compromising your needs for so long that you struggle to even identify what they are?
Are you scared you might just fully surrender to people pleasing, going through the motions and living out your dreams by watching someone else live theirs?
Perhaps you’re finding even day-to-day things hard, overwhelming or just straight up boring, and you know you’re simply not showing up for the people you love and care about like you know you want to.
Like us, you’re a sensitive, smart and soulful woman.
Maybe you’ve reached a crossroads in your life and you’ve got a sense that ‘something’s got to give’.
We know what it feels like to desire change and not quite make it…
Then have to find the motivation to do it all again (while secretly suspecting you might fail).
If you feel you’ve been choosing to stay where you are
but you’re ready to take the leap and become
YOUR Whole Woman,
YOUR Midlife Rebel,
we’ve crafted this very special Day Retreat for YOU!
- Sun, 02 JulyThe Art of Balance, Frankston South
Drawing on reflections, journaling, breathwork, gentle movement and mythology we’ll explore the three archetypes that can hold us back and keep us stuck in old patterns that simply no longer serve: our inner Good Girl, Little Girl and Mean Girl.

Your Midlife Rebel, your Whole Woman, is in there. She is powerful and compassionate, has desire, strength and courage. She’s ready for change and fiercely committed to living her truest life with full, glowing expression (even though it can feel scary). Reconnect with her on Retreat with us.
This day is for you if you’re ready to:
Trust your inner wisdom and connect to your intuition (because it’s in there!)
Rediscover the real you, stepping out of rules and conditioning that no longer fit or serve.
Ditch once and for all the selfcare pendulum swing and commit to doing things differently this time!
Enjoy embodiment practices like Yoga and breathwork to reconnect you to your physical self, the conduit for your own sacred feminine.
Manage the archetypes of Good Girl, Little Girl and Mean Girl!
- Sun, 02 JulyThe Art of Balance, Frankston South

We’ve heard from women who feel blocked somehow that they can’t quite define. Concerns and worries about their bodies. A sense of deficiency or shame about their lack of intuition and inner knowing. A feeling of having hardened into a version of themselves that isn’t flowing, creative and passionate.
Join us for a decadent day and make time to:
Move from overwhelm to ease
Slow down and tune in
Enjoy the company of other women who also find themselves thinking, ‘Is this really what I want?’
Rediscover the parts that have been hidden and forgotten
Tap into that deep well of wisdom and trust yourself again
Re-set your priorities
Meet your guides...
Robyn Patton

As a proud Midlife Rebel and a transformational coach, Robyn Patton supports women to live unapologetically, put themselves first and live from a place of overflow! Robyn uses her personal experience, years of experience as a coach and life-long commitment to growth and development to facilitate clarity and lasting change through her Midlife Rebel coaching work.
Amy McDonald

As a transformational coach, women’s counsellor and Yoga teacher, Amy draws on the ancient stories, folklore and teachings of Yoga, modern techniques and tools as well as her own experience and the experiences of her clients to support women to learn and grow by accessing their own inner wisdom.
If you are ready to embark on a day of adventure that has the capacity to be truly transformative and spend nourishing time with other women ready to move away from who and what they ‘should’ be, we invite you to join us!
$180 Early Bird
$320 if you book with a friend
- Sun, 02 JulyThe Art of Balance, Frankston South
That voice within you, whispering, already knows it’s time to:
Dissolve self-limiting beliefs with courage, determination and clarity.
Learn to discover and trust your truth even in confusing, overwhelming or stressful situations.
Transform habits and behaviours that are keeping you from leaping into the life you truly know you’re meant for.
Celebrate your beauty – all of it! – once and for all.
Create space for spiritual work, introspection and deep inner growth.
Learn techniques to tap your own Icha Shakti – the Yogic word for divine willpower – to generate the changes you desire most for yourself
Get ready to think bigger, dissolve limiting beliefs and receive your new upgraded mindset
to step back into your midlife with clarity, power and passion!

”Robyn is a powerhouse. She’s a compassionate, intuitively attuned facilitator with direct experience in the journey of wellness. Her programs invite whole transformation for anyone ready to take the challenge into self-empowerment.”
Denmo Ibrahim, Founder + CEO, Earthbody
“Amy’s warmth and passion spilled over to the point that I found myself trying things I would normally shy away from. This was just was I was looking for as I ventured to become more of my truest self.”
Melissa Kallista, Melbourne
“ By working with Robyn, I was finally able to see how my patterns had formed – based on personal history and shitty societal expectations. She coached me to not only question the people-pleasing-with-no-self-trust dialogue but to re-write it.”
“Amy is eternally kind, patient and encouraging and her insights speak to many years of experience refining her own practice, as well as supporting other women to find their own optimum way to live life.”
Ruth Sowter, Sydney